Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Simulated Annealing

Here is my family represented as a collection of overlapping polygons of various colors and transparencies (see


Ken said...

Pretty dang interesting from a computational perspective. I wish I could have left my linux box at work working on one over the two-week break!

Hey, I finished reading the computer geek book. The singularity is an interesting concept. A bit scary, actually.

Where are you finding this stuff?

Chuck said...

The simulated annealing was from a feed on my iGoogle page. I think I can share my iGoogle pages with you. I think it was hackaday that linked to it. We get library journal and american libraries at work and they review books. That might be where I saw rapture for the geeks.

Tiffiny said...

Everyone needs a picture of themself represented as a collection of overlapping polygons of various colors and transparencies!

brenda said...

Weird. Did your kids like seeming their abstract selves?